This page is dedicated to production installation for
- Desktop app
- Server app
Desktop app
- NodeJs
- npm / yarn
To build production app follow the below steps:
- Clone Flexbench repo
- After cloning the repo change directory
cd desktop-app
- Install dependencies
npm run install-dep
- Build the executable files (unpacked) and installer
npm run electron:build
The executables and installer can be found in the /dist
After installing the executables you can delete the repo
Server app
- NodeJs
- npm / yarn
- MongoDB
- Docker (only if using the docker to start server)
- docker-composeinfo
Make sure MongoDB server is running in the background.
There are three ways to start production server
Below three steps are common for all
- Clone Flexbench repo
- After cloning the repo change directory
cd server-app
- Install dependenciesor
npm i
yarn install
Plain installation
This method is discouraged because it can cause a lot of issues with other packages and is deprived of all the advantages that a Docker installation would offer.
- start production server
npm run start
Docker installation
This is the suggested method for single-node installation.
- start production server in docker container
for linux / macosfor windows
npm run docker-prod
npm run docker-wprod
Kubernetes installation
This is the suggested method of installation for scalability. It can handle practically any load using the horizontal scaling features offered by Kubernetes.
- Change directory to microk8s
Apply the following commands
microk8s.kubectl apply flexbench-secret.yml
microk8s.kubectl apply flexbench-configmap.yml
microk8s.kubectl apply flexbench.yml
Install microk8s and make sure the microk8s service is running berfore using the above commands